product code:2ND AMENDMENT CIGAR BOX - 20
availability:Currently out of Stock
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Introducing Guns & Gars, a brand of premium cigars crafted for aficionados who appreciate the finest quality and also hold dear their 2nd Amendment rights. The Guns & Gars 2nd Amendment Cigar Collection is the perfect blend of luxury and patriotism, with each cigar made from the highest grade of Nicaraguan tobacco.
The collection features three distinct cigars, each with its own unique flavor and aroma.
First up is the Connecticut, a smooth and mild cigar with a creamy finish.
Next is the Habano, a rich and bold cigar with hints of dark chocolate and espresso.
And finally, the star of the collection, the barber pole cigar, which combines the flavors of both the Connecticut and Maduro cigars in a beautifully wrapped and visually stunning cigar.
The Barber Pole cigar is the most popular of the collection, and for good reason. The alternating bands of light and dark wrappers not only create an eye-catching appearance, but also provide a unique smoking experience with alternating flavor notes. This cigar is the perfect choice for those looking for something different and truly special.
At Guns & Gars, we take pride in crafting each cigar with the utmost care and attention to detail. From the expertly grown and cured tobacco leaves to the precise rolling and finishing, every step of the process is handled with the care and expertise of a true artisan. And with the 2nd Amendment Cigar Collection, we honor not only the art of cigar-making, but also the timeless American tradition of defending our rights and freedoms.
So whether you're an experienced cigar smoker or just starting to explore the world of premium cigars, the Guns & Gars 2nd Amendment Cigar Collection is the perfect choice for anyone who values quality, craftsmanship, and patriotism. Enjoy the smooth and flavorful smoke of a Guns & Gars cigar today and experience the best of both worlds.